Wednesday 17 September 2014

The Minimalism Game is Back!

I just got back from a great trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where I saw some great short films at the Atlantic Film festival and explored a very cool historical site at the Halifax Citadel. I love exploring historical landmarks and seeing how people lived hundreds of years ago. The simplicity of their lifestyles and how little they managed to survive on is astounding. I often find myself wondering how my life would be living under similar circumstances. Seeing the very simple and minimalist dwellings of old societies is a mind-opening experience.

 But now I am back from Halifax and ready to get rid of more stuff! So I was gone for the 14th, 15th, and 16th of September and thought a lot about what I was going to do for my return to the game. My plan is to get rid of 30 items today (they might not all go as I need to find homes for them) but that is my goal for this day. By the end of the day I actually got rid of 32 things:
19 books, 8 mugs, and 5 CDs

Now, for the remainder of this month, I am going to play the game a little differently than The Minimalists suggest on their blog. Since I have so little possessions already, I am going to count down the rest of the month. Tomorrow, Sept. 18th, I will get rid of 13 items. On the 17th, I will get rid of 12. And so on until Sept. 30th when I will get rid of just 1 thing. This will make it much easier on me, true, but I think this is the best way to keep my sanity during this mass exodus of stuff.