Thursday 11 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 10

So I actually did get rid of these 10 CDs last night but I forgot to post on my blog. Like I said about my last batch of CDs I shooed out of my apartment, I just didn't listen to these anymore. Why bother keeping these albums if I rarely ever pop them in a CD player. I find most of my current music on the internet anyways. This is partly because a lot of artists I like are hard to find physical albums for (I listen to a lot of obscure or foreign music artists these days). I have ordered a few albums online for bands I could never find at a local store (like Schoolyard Heroes or Dir En Grey) and those albums I will certainly keep as I still like them very much. These are specific albums I want because I enjoy them front to back and they have a personal connection to me. I think by narrowing down my CD collection and keeping the really special ones, it will make owning these albums all the more personal to me. The same will apply to my DVD collection. The few movies, CDs, and books I own will be a representation of my tastes and interests. An intentional representation nonetheless.