Tuesday 30 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - The FINAL DAY

Here we are at long last! The final day of The Minimalism Game and I am getting rid of my final thing for this experiment. Today I am getting rid of a deluxe edition of Jurassic Park & The Lost World. I love these films and I love dinosaurs so it makes sense that I own this, but I already have another copy of the movies that takes up less space. So off it goes!
All in all, it was a very interesting month and ultimately a successful project. I didn't always manage to get rid of things when I was supposed to, as things happen to come up in life. My next experiment with minimalism is to cut down on so many projects and focus on ones that really matter a lot more to me. I want to focus on creating more art that is personal to me. I want to focus more on healthy living and activities that lead to a life that is generally more happy, positive, and fulfilling. I think this is a realistic goal and one that is really the only goal we can aspire for in life: being happy and living life to the fullest.
I plan on continuing this blog and writing about my goals in healthy living, experiences I have, and whatever thoughts and opinions I have that concern positive life, healthy life, and mindfulness. It's not an easy life to aspire for as there are so many distractions and easy comforts we can resort to that lead us off the path of  truly healthy living and into the prison of health in exchange for convenience. I intend to abandon convenience in exchange for a truer life; one that I can be happy with. 

Monday 29 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 29

One more day to go! It's been a long journey and one that I didn't necessarily follow all the rules. I forgot some days, but I always caught up. I didn't always get rid of the exact number of items I was supposed to, but I always got rid of something (sometimes more than the allotted amount). And I started counting down my number of things halfway through the month instead of progressing to 30 items on September 30th. None of these are horrible sins or anything, and I still feel like I accomplished something in this process. I'll probably continue to get rid of more stuff after this experiment is over, but it was a great introduction to letting go of possessions, becoming a little more clutter-free, and becoming more of a minimalist.

Today I got rid of two more DVD sets. I know a lot of people who may call me out on blasphemy for this choice, but it is likely that I may not watch this series again in the near future. Sorry fan-boys and fan-girls!


Sunday 28 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 28

So I have been counting down my exodus of stuff and today was supposed to be a goal of 3 things. Well, I actually got rid of more than 3 things today but I think they count since I really went over my goal. Overachieving a goal is still achieving it after all. Today I got rid of a bunch of socks and old boxers that I don't plan on wearing. If I get rid of these old crummy ones, then I can stick to only wearing my new nice ones.

Saturday 27 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 27

4 things going today! 3 more days to go. This is the final approach...the last hurrah!
Today is a modest reduction in my book collection. A few books I probably won't read again given away to someone who will probably get some enjoyment from these stories. Rather than hanging onto books I might read again or might one day read, I can make room for all the other books that I want read. Going to the library is a much better alternative. The books don't take up room in my living space, nor do I have to pay for them.

Friday 26 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Days 25 & 26

I didn't post yesterday on Day 25 so I have combined this post to include both days. yesterday I got rid of 6 items and today I have gotten rid of 5. Both days were another batch of DVDs. I know, I know. I am getting a little redundant with the getting rid of my movie collection, but it's an easy bunch of stuff that I can ditch items for this challenge and I have a lot of them. A lot of them that can be let go of.

I don't have a lot of days left in the Minimalist Game and September is almost over. All I have to say at this point is that this has been a great experience and I think everyone should try it. What stuff do you have lying around that you never use? Stuff you have lying around "just in case"?

Wednesday 24 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 24

Today I got rid of 7 DVDs. My collection is dwindling and it is a beautiful thing. As I narrow down my choices of films to watch I cleanse my mind and detoxify my attention and focus on the things that really matter to me. Keep the movies I really want to watch, instead of a pile of DVDs that I only watch every few years. I love cinema, but I want works of art and great entertainment; not dust-collectors.
Today I got rid of 4 collections of classic Hollywood Films, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Romeo + Juliet, and Let The Right One In. I've had some people question my choices of movies that I get rid of. "Why would you get rid of that one?", they ask. "It's such a great movie!" Unfortunately I've probably only watched that movie once in the past three years.
I'm sorry that I'm not sorry, but I'm really not even sorry for that. I have a life that is more than the movies I watch and the things I own.

On the topic of focus and attention, watch this video from College Humor that addresses the issue of distractions in the internet and how it is affecting our lives and our minds. It was easy for me to watch the whole thing after developing mindfulness through meditation for the past few months. But you should give it a try and watch the video until the end. I dare you.

The Minimalism Game - Day 23

Today I am getting rid of 8 items. I can't believe the countdown is getting so low. So what am I getting rid of today? A Planet of the Apes box-set (because I only really like the first film), Season 1 of Community (because if I can watch it on Netflix), and my DVD copy of Dazed and Confused (because I think I've watched it once since I bought it a year ago). I am beginning to see my DVD collection in a new light. I may even get rid of more movies after my Minimalism Game is complete. There's no reason I need to stop in October!

As I get rid of more and more stuff , I have come to realize that I am not missing any of it at all. Not even a little bit. In fact, I barely even notice it's gone. If I have all of these things filling up my living space and I don't even know that they are there, are they adding any value to my life? This is an important question: what adds value to my life? Why do we keep buying stuff that we use once and then put on a shelf? To earn the money I spent on all this stuff, I had to use my time to earn that money. And time is not something we have a lot of. Just check out the video below. Maybe next time you decide to buy something, you will think more about how much time you have left and what you really want to do with your life.

Monday 22 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 22

Wow! The month is almost over and we're here at Day 22 of my Minimalism Game. It's been a crazy journey but I am feeling really great about this. Today I am getting rid of 9 items that are just laying around waiting for.....what? I will probably never pick these up for a real intentional purpose, so out they go! Going are a few books that I won't read again, a few magazines that I won't read again, and a CD that I won't listen to again.

Sunday 21 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 21

Day 21 is here and this time I got rid of 10 things. Gone today are the last of the Animorphs books that I don't want to keep, the Chronicles of Narnia collection that I bought years ago and planned to read but never got around to, and a few old magazines that I will definitely not read again (no matter how entertaining the articles were). Again, I made sure to pass these books along to a place where they can be shared and enjoyed by others.

Saturday 20 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 20

More Animorphs books are going today! 11 of them are gone now. I already wrote on my last post about the pains of letting go of these childhood memories. Nostalgia is a unique experience and one that I certainly have attached this wonderful book series. They introduced me a lot into the joys of reading and experiencing life through someone else's eyes. But now that I am older my literary interests have expanded and deepened, and I have a long reading list. I find it unlikely that I will read these particular books again any time soon. So why not pass them on to someone else who will find the joy that I once had? Perhaps some other young boy will discover the pleasure of reading a good story.

Friday 19 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 19

Here we are at Day 19 of the Minimalism Game and I am continuing my countdown of possession exodus with 12 items today. As you know, I recently attended a screening at the Atlantic Film Festival. I still had the printed program of all the festival events and screenings...until today that is. Why would I need to keep this booklet? For the memories? Those exist in my mind and I don't need a physical book to remind of it. In time these memories may fade, but they will be replaced by new fresh ones, and the important ones will remain through my life.
With this, I am also getting rid of 11 Animorphs books. These were my favorite books when I was in elementary school. In fact, they were some of the first books I read. I have many more besides these 11, and I plan on getting rid of more over the next few days. However, these books still hold a special place in my heart, so there are a few special episodes from this series that I am definitely hanging onto. I have a lot of books, and it has been difficult to get rid of some but none yet as hard as this. However, I know it's for the best and I am unlikely to read all of these again. I'll keep the books I will read again in the future and pass these on to someone else who can enjoy them, as I did in my younger days.

Thursday 18 September 2014

The Minimalist Game Continuued - Day 18

It is now Day 18 of the Minimalist Game and I am changing up the rules! Today I will get rid of 13 things, beginning a countdown that will end with just 1 thing on the last day. I think this will be an easier task, as well as an interesting progression as we descend to the end of this experiment.

So here are my 13 things I am getting rid of today! 4 cups, an old receipt, am old form, 2 gloves, an empty case of CDs, a lighter, a puzzle toy, a lock, and a basket.

The Trouble With Getting Up

Have you ever woken up to your alarm in the morning only to hit snooze and go back to sleep for fifteen minutes? And then that fifteen minutes becomes an hour? Then whatever plans you had to do when you set the alarm for that time are no longer a reality and you have to rush to get ready for work or school or whatever.

Lately, I've been setting my alarm for 5:10AM so I can get up early and hit the gym before I have to get ready for work. There is a fitness room in my apartment building so I don't even have to go far. However, I have been slacking off on it lately. I might be tired because of my busy schedule lately, but I also feel better about my day if I get a regular workout in the morning, so I value its place in my routine. But it's still so hard to get myself up.

This morning I got up and went to the gym, but not until 5:30, so I had to cut my exercise short to have time for a shower, get dressed, pack a lunch, and get out the door (I still had time to do a bit of writing this morning as well, another morning routine I need to work on). After doing my morning workout, I feel infinitely better than I did compared to yesterday when I didn't get up to exercise.

There is just something about getting ourselves up in the morning, pulling our complaining bodies out of the bed, to do something good for ourselves. Even when we know intellectually that this will be good for our us, we still want to stay in bed. Just ten more minutes, please. I consider myself an early riser, but even I can do better at this. Hopefully next week, I can get myself up more successfully, so I can get the things done I want to in the morning, starting my day off on a positive note. Because the bottom line is this: when I do take the time to get up and do stuff, I feel better all day.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

The Minimalism Game is Back!

I just got back from a great trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where I saw some great short films at the Atlantic Film festival and explored a very cool historical site at the Halifax Citadel. I love exploring historical landmarks and seeing how people lived hundreds of years ago. The simplicity of their lifestyles and how little they managed to survive on is astounding. I often find myself wondering how my life would be living under similar circumstances. Seeing the very simple and minimalist dwellings of old societies is a mind-opening experience.

 But now I am back from Halifax and ready to get rid of more stuff! So I was gone for the 14th, 15th, and 16th of September and thought a lot about what I was going to do for my return to the game. My plan is to get rid of 30 items today (they might not all go as I need to find homes for them) but that is my goal for this day. By the end of the day I actually got rid of 32 things:
19 books, 8 mugs, and 5 CDs

Now, for the remainder of this month, I am going to play the game a little differently than The Minimalists suggest on their blog. Since I have so little possessions already, I am going to count down the rest of the month. Tomorrow, Sept. 18th, I will get rid of 13 items. On the 17th, I will get rid of 12. And so on until Sept. 30th when I will get rid of just 1 thing. This will make it much easier on me, true, but I think this is the best way to keep my sanity during this mass exodus of stuff.

No Junk Food Continuued

This month I had planned on not eating any junk food. Well it's been pretty tough. I ate some frozen yogurt a few days already. I had a few Tootsie rolls last week. And I had popcorn and a root beer at the movies with a friend. That time I completely blanked out on my junk food pact until halfway through the soda.

However, I have had some success too. I have passed on a lot of candy being offered to me and passed on a lot of chips being offered me. I declined to eat anything when stopping at a McDonald's with family and drank a coffee instead of getting a greasy burger. Trying to give up junk food has made me realize how often other people offer us food that is bad for us or try to get us to share their junk food with them. That has been the hardest part of this experiment. Not partaking in the junk food consumption that people around us are involved in, especially when it is friends and family.

Sunday 14 September 2014

The Minimalism Game is on HOLD!

Hello! I am sorry to say that I will have to put the Minimalism Game on hold for the next two days. I am leaving today to Halifax for the Atlantic Film Festival where my short film Regan is making it's big screen premiere. This is an exciting event for me, so I feel no guilt about holding off on my minimalism ventures for it. When I return I will resume the game from the day that I am back, Sept. 16, and get rid of some stuff then. I am not sure how I will go about doing it with the number of things to eject but I'll let you know at that time.

Saturday 13 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 13

Day 13 is here and it is a little more subtle this time, and perhaps a little more sentimental. Today I am getting rid of 11 DVDs of videos from film school and past theatre projects I worked on. The film school projects I am really proud of remain on more professional DVDs and I plan on making a better, more complete disc soon anyways. As for the theatre projects, I still have the memories.
So for the last two items, I am throwing away 2 birthday cards from last year. I know, how horrible of me! However, my birthday comes every year and I'll be getting new cards in a month. I didn't get rid of my graduation card though (that will stick with me a while longer at least).

The Minimalism Game - Day 12

Alright, so I have made it to Day 12. I don't really feel like this is getting any harder. So far, all the books and movies and whatnot I have gotten rid of I'm really not going to miss. Today I am getting rid of 12 more DVDs. Narrowing down my movie collection to a precise and intentional choice is what I am striving for.

Also, as seen in the photo, I got rid of a few PS3 games that I will never play. I used to be nearly obsessed with playing Rock Band, but have since gotten rid of all the instrument connections for it, but I kept the game for so long. Video games are one activity that I have really cut back on. In high school, I would sacrifice time and money to play video games over being social, being creative, and doing well in school and work. Now I rarely play my Playstation, and there have only been a few games in the past year that I have really sat down to play the whole way through.

Thursday 11 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 11

More books to get rid of! Trust me, I have a lot of books still on my bookcase. This time I am getting rid of a few text books from school that I don't plan on using a whole lot and a few old novels that I may never read again (and probably won't as I have others that are way above them on my reading list).  I am also getting rid of the book 1001 Movies To Watch Before You Die, mainly because  I have another copy, but also because it is pretty unlikely that I will watch all of those films at this point (I have been much more interested in reading more books). I plan on keeping my other copy though as it is still a great resource to find interesting and sometimes obscure films (like the wild Czech film Daisies by Vera Chytilová).

The Minimalism Game - Day 10

So I actually did get rid of these 10 CDs last night but I forgot to post on my blog. Like I said about my last batch of CDs I shooed out of my apartment, I just didn't listen to these anymore. Why bother keeping these albums if I rarely ever pop them in a CD player. I find most of my current music on the internet anyways. This is partly because a lot of artists I like are hard to find physical albums for (I listen to a lot of obscure or foreign music artists these days). I have ordered a few albums online for bands I could never find at a local store (like Schoolyard Heroes or Dir En Grey) and those albums I will certainly keep as I still like them very much. These are specific albums I want because I enjoy them front to back and they have a personal connection to me. I think by narrowing down my CD collection and keeping the really special ones, it will make owning these albums all the more personal to me. The same will apply to my DVD collection. The few movies, CDs, and books I own will be a representation of my tastes and interests. An intentional representation nonetheless.

Wednesday 10 September 2014


In my meditation practice I often seek out further reading on concepts and contemplation ideas. A lot of these concepts come from Buddhist literature or Taoist readings. I find many of the teachings in these spiritual philosophies are both interesting to contemplate and mind opening in their ideas about the universe and existence.

Recently, I read a book called "Turning the Mind into an Ally" by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, the founder of the Shambala Meditation Center. In this book I discovered the concept of bodhichitta.

Bodhichitta, which basically means "enlightenment-mind", is the mind that strives towards awakening and compassion for the benefit of all sentient beings. The way Sakyong describes this concept is a way to care for all other beings, both people and animals. When meditating, we can calm our minds of distracting thoughts and welcome our inner goodness. This way we can better open our hearts to caring for others.

This is something I have really developed over the last few years. I used to be a very angry person. I had a lot of hate and contempt for the outside world, and society, and other people. I see this kind of attitude in many people today.

"People are stupid."

"People suck."

It's true that we can all be stupid at times. I would be lying if I said I was never one of those stupid people. I make mistakes. I fail. That doesn't mean I suck at life though. Realizing our own failures and mistakes, acknowledging them but not beating ourselves up about them, can help us realize that other people are no better or worse than ourselves. We are all just living like everyone else. Keeping the concept of bodhichitta in mind and show some compassion for others, can help us live more positively.

Next time someone is frustrating you, just contemplate this idea and send them good feelings. You don't have to say anything or do anything. Just think it. Just think in your head:

"Have a nice day."

Tuesday 9 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 9

Sept. 9! Time to get rid of 9 items. This is getting hard....not in the way of finding things to get rid of, but actually finding the time to get rid of them. By the time I get home and finish all my projects, it's late and I just want to read, do a bit of writing, maybe meditate, and go to bed. Perhaps I need to embrace these concepts of minimalism into my work life and cut down on a few projects? (Trust me, I am learning to say "no" to a lot more so I can be more focused on what I really want to work on. I'll probably write a blog post about this actually.)
Anyways, here are my 9 items for today. Comic books and graphic novels! Some of these are pretty good, but in reality I will maybe read them once more in the next few years. I have a long reading list of both books I don't own and books I do own that I want to read and some I haven't read yet. I figure if I get rid of these books that I won't likely read again in the next 6 months, I will be saving space and give myself the focus to read the books I really want to check out. Why do I need to own all these books when I have so many options at the library? Just so you know, my library card is one of my most prized possessions (I actually have two different ones for two different libraries).

The Minimalism Game - Day 8

Okay, so for Day 8, I did something a little different. To be honest, I forgot until late last night to find 8 items that I could part with so this is kind of cheating. But I did get rid of a bunch of stuff by recycling.

For maybe the past month I have let my pile of recyclable items grow and grow. I had a huge stack of cardboard boxes (pasta boxes, tissue boxes, milk cartons, cracker boxes, etc.) and plastic bags and opened envelopes and papers I no longer need. All stuff that I could easily deliver to the nearest recycle center (which happens to be a 5 minute walk from my apartment).

So I packed all this stuff up and got rid of it, with some help from a few wonderful people. It feels good to have this pile of stuff out of my apartment and to have contributed a little bit to the recycling idea. A more minimalist living space and a greener environment all in one evening!

Monday 8 September 2014

No Junk Food - Day 8

Well, I failed.

I ate frozen yogurt this weekend. However, it's not all that bad. The frozen yogurt I ate is a lot healthier than other forms of junk food, including most ice cream. Plus, I ate frozen berries with it, so it was a fairly healthy treat for myself. I had a pretty rough weekend, dealing with some personal issues (no I do not want to talk about!), so I felt that a little indulgence was okay. So I bought some frozen yogurt. I felt a lot better about it than eating a huge bag of chips or a bunch of chocolate or something. So it's okay. I still plan on going through the rest of the month without eating anything else though that I consider junk food. let's see how I do.

Also, failure isn't a bad thing. I'm not beating myself up over this. In comparison to most of the eating eating habits of other people I know, I'm doing a pretty solid job of eating healthy. So don't judge me.

Sunday 7 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 7

Here we are at day 7 and today I got rid of 7 CDs. I have a pretty large collection of music CDs, a lot that I have kept since high school. Some of these I definitely want to keep as I still listen to these bands on road trips and when I share music with friends, but many of them I haven't popped in a CD player for years. I just keep them around for show, filling up space, filling in the void of emptiness. Well, one of the things I've learned through minimalism is to welcome the emptiness. I can enjoy a quiet room now without the need to fill it up with stuff. Now, when it comes to music, I just keep the music around that I really want to listen to, and get rid of the extraneous stuff.

Saturday 6 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 6

Okay, so here I am at Day 6 and I am getting rid of my first batch of DVDs. So, I know the original rules on The Minimalists' blog say I have to get rid of my items by midnight on that day, but I like to bend the rules a little (and sometimes break them). Maybe that stems from my creative and artistic personality. Anyways, I will be getting rid of these 6 movies tomorrow along with the other items I jettison for Day 7.

For the record, I definitely do not plan on getting rid of all my DVDs, as there are a few that I still enjoy watching and still have much to learn from. I am an independent filmmaker, so obviously films are a passion of mine. I totally see the reason in minimalism when it comes to owning a DVD collection though. I've only watched a few of these films once or twice, and for many of them that was years ago. Why keep a few movies on the shelf that I may watch one more time next year? Instead, I will only own a few personally important films (meaning films that I feel I can learn a lot about filmmaking or just personal favorites that I will watch again). In keeping true to minimalist practices, I will keep only the movies that truly add value to my life.

No Junk Food - Day 6

It's day 6 of no junk food and it is going very well! I have stuck to healthy snacks including almonds and frozen berries (which I am finding that I have a particular love for frozen cherries). A few days ago I bought myself a coffee and considered putting sugar in it (I rarely do but I was craving something sweet). I didn't think that this would necessarily go against my pact (who's making the rules for this anyways?) but I decided to pass on the sugar. I don't need to sweeten my coffee and I decided that for my no junk food month, that sugar does count. So no sugar in my coffee!
I did buy myself a treat yesterday at the bakery though - pumpernickel bread! I haven't had any in quite some time and this would be a healthier treat for myself than the mint brownies I was eyeing.

Friday 5 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 5

Today I am ridding my room of 5 random cables I have no use for. I may have had a hard drive or some external device that used one of these cables I the past, but I now find them collecting dust in my closet. A lot of us end up collecting cables for electronics they no longer have, just in case they wind up with some new device that they can use this cord for (even if most devices we buy come with a cord that fits it already and if it doesn't we can by a new cord for likely less than $20). This "just in case" mindset can often lead us to hoarding things we don't really need, filling up space that just clutter our lives.

How many things do you have "just in case"?

The Minimalism Game - Day 4

I know, I know, it's technically the 5th day but I didn't get a chance to rid myself of these 4 items until late last night (life happens to us all). So here it is: three pairs of glasses (with cases) and one pair of sunglasses. One of these sets I wore through high school. That makes them over 8 years old. Why did I ever keep them? They're not even the correct prescription for my eyes anymore! Sometimes we hang onto certain items and carry them through our lives without any reason. I must've moved residences over 8 times since these glasses went out of my prescription and my style, and yet I kept them with me all this time, just in case I might need them for.....what? Time to go, old glasses!

PS. I made sure to donate these glasses to Costco for recycling. This way I am not only decluttering my own life but also contributing to the wellbeing of other people's lives.

PPS. I'll get rid of 5 more times for Sept. 5 by the end of today. Stay tuned!

Thursday 4 September 2014

Fast Food: the Dream

Since giving up junk food for the month of September, I have included fast food into that classification (coffee doesn't count, although I don't usually get coffee from McDonald's or Tim Horton's anyways). For the past year I have almost given up fast food already, having only eaten out at burger joints a handful of times since we began 2014 (maybe 5 or 6 times total).

However, I used to eat fast food....a lot. 

Almost ever day and for many years. Breakfast at Tim Horton's or McDonald's was a ritual for me in the morning. Subway at lunch or sometimes one of the aforementioned places that aren't as healthy but I would "treat myself". However, even Subway feels like fast food to me now. I know it's a healthier alternative, but it's still fast food. How long have those "fresh" veggies really been in the store?

Anyways, I had an interesting dream last night. I was in a  food court for several hours, long enough to place three separate orders to a McDonald's with plenty of time in between. It was greasy and fried and everything we've come to associate with the big golden arches. Essentially, lots of flavour but no substance. Waking up from the dream, a year ago, I would have run to the nearest restaurant and order a McChicken or a Quarter Pounder. This morning, I just felt relieved that I didn't really go order three meals in one morning. I feel so much better about myself now that I don't eat from fast food places. I am easily the healthiest I have ever been and a big part of this is attributed to the change in my eating habits.

Instead of going for burgers and fries at lunch today, I will be having a spinach salad with two hard-boiled eggs, a few sticks of celery with hummus, and a small snack of almonds for my morning break. This is a delicious meal, and honestly, I enjoy eating it much more than I ever enjoyed an unknown meat drenched in grease.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 3

Day 3. Three more items gone from my life. Today I have ejected two hard drives I haven't used since my time in film school, and a gift card for the Cedar Tree Café (which recently closed down unfortunately - I should of used this months ago!).

It feels good to get rid of a few more things. I like this idea of minimalism and only hanging onto the things that really add value to your life. I expect in the future of this month that I will be parting ways with many of my books and DVDs.

As a final note regarding my month with no junk food, I had the opportunity tonight at a social gathering to eat oatmeal cookies and macaroons, both which are treats that I enjoy very much. It was difficult to resist the urge, but I restrained myself from giving up on my pact on only day 3. I had green tea and cranberry juice instead and ate a handful of almonds when I got home as a snack to stay my complaining stomach.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 2

Day 2 of the Minimalism Game and I had to get rid of two things. I trashed a pair of old shoes I had (two shoes count as two items!). They had holes in the bottom and I was hanging onto them for far too long. So that's that. They carried me for the past year but now they are retired. Farewell!

No Junk Food - Day 2

It's getting hard, harder than I thought, but I have successfully declined junk food in the past few days. I went to lunch with family yesterday and at the checkout they offered us free fudge. I instantly grabbed a piece and was about to take a bite out of it, when I remembered my pact with myself. I offered the fudge to my mother instead and went without.

Later in the day, my sister and a friend were eating Mike & Ikes and they offered me a pack of them. I declined that as well. So far so good, but I have a feeling it's going to get a lot more difficult throughout the rest of this first week.

For the second day, I was a little low on groceries so my lunch I brought to work was...modest. Okay, all I had was cheese & crackers and two servings of canned pineapples. Not very filling. However, I am persevering until dinner at home and resisting the urge to buy a bag of chips at the canteen outside my office. I can't give in on only my second day! I guess I'll report back tomorrow...

Monday 1 September 2014

The Minimalism Game

I got this great idea for a game from The Minimalists and I am going to do it for the month of September.

This month, I must get rid of one thing on the first day of the month. On the second, two things. Three items on the third. So forth, and so on. I just have to get rid of it, whatever it is. I already got rid of lot of my stuff in the transition of my last move between apartments, but I think I can jettison a few more distracting possessions.

I know a few people who have a lot of stuff and identify themselves with their possessions, and to those people I urge you to remember a few great quotes from the guru Tyler Durden.

"What you own ends up owning you."

"You’re not your job. You’re not how much money you have in the bank. You’re not the car you drive. You’re not the contents of your wallet. You’re not your fucking khakis. You’re the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world."

I'll be posting each day to let you know what I got rid of by the way.

Today was easy, only one item: a growing dinosaur toy. I only had it for a few days but it has outgrown it's bucket of water. In the trash!

Follow my progress on twitter too! #MinsGame

No Junk Food - Day 1

So today I begin my month with no junk food. I was pretty bad this weekend and ate a lot more than I thought I would. I helped a few friends move into new apartments this weekend and I ordered pizza and garlic fingers. I may have eaten a few candy canes as well.

But that stuff has to go now. Today I am beginning a totally healthy diet for the next month (at least): no pizza, no fast food, no candy, no chocolate, etc.

Wish me luck!