Wednesday 24 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 23

Today I am getting rid of 8 items. I can't believe the countdown is getting so low. So what am I getting rid of today? A Planet of the Apes box-set (because I only really like the first film), Season 1 of Community (because if I can watch it on Netflix), and my DVD copy of Dazed and Confused (because I think I've watched it once since I bought it a year ago). I am beginning to see my DVD collection in a new light. I may even get rid of more movies after my Minimalism Game is complete. There's no reason I need to stop in October!

As I get rid of more and more stuff , I have come to realize that I am not missing any of it at all. Not even a little bit. In fact, I barely even notice it's gone. If I have all of these things filling up my living space and I don't even know that they are there, are they adding any value to my life? This is an important question: what adds value to my life? Why do we keep buying stuff that we use once and then put on a shelf? To earn the money I spent on all this stuff, I had to use my time to earn that money. And time is not something we have a lot of. Just check out the video below. Maybe next time you decide to buy something, you will think more about how much time you have left and what you really want to do with your life.