Monday 29 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 29

One more day to go! It's been a long journey and one that I didn't necessarily follow all the rules. I forgot some days, but I always caught up. I didn't always get rid of the exact number of items I was supposed to, but I always got rid of something (sometimes more than the allotted amount). And I started counting down my number of things halfway through the month instead of progressing to 30 items on September 30th. None of these are horrible sins or anything, and I still feel like I accomplished something in this process. I'll probably continue to get rid of more stuff after this experiment is over, but it was a great introduction to letting go of possessions, becoming a little more clutter-free, and becoming more of a minimalist.

Today I got rid of two more DVD sets. I know a lot of people who may call me out on blasphemy for this choice, but it is likely that I may not watch this series again in the near future. Sorry fan-boys and fan-girls!