Tuesday 9 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 9

Sept. 9! Time to get rid of 9 items. This is getting hard....not in the way of finding things to get rid of, but actually finding the time to get rid of them. By the time I get home and finish all my projects, it's late and I just want to read, do a bit of writing, maybe meditate, and go to bed. Perhaps I need to embrace these concepts of minimalism into my work life and cut down on a few projects? (Trust me, I am learning to say "no" to a lot more so I can be more focused on what I really want to work on. I'll probably write a blog post about this actually.)
Anyways, here are my 9 items for today. Comic books and graphic novels! Some of these are pretty good, but in reality I will maybe read them once more in the next few years. I have a long reading list of both books I don't own and books I do own that I want to read and some I haven't read yet. I figure if I get rid of these books that I won't likely read again in the next 6 months, I will be saving space and give myself the focus to read the books I really want to check out. Why do I need to own all these books when I have so many options at the library? Just so you know, my library card is one of my most prized possessions (I actually have two different ones for two different libraries).