Wednesday 24 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 24

Today I got rid of 7 DVDs. My collection is dwindling and it is a beautiful thing. As I narrow down my choices of films to watch I cleanse my mind and detoxify my attention and focus on the things that really matter to me. Keep the movies I really want to watch, instead of a pile of DVDs that I only watch every few years. I love cinema, but I want works of art and great entertainment; not dust-collectors.
Today I got rid of 4 collections of classic Hollywood Films, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Romeo + Juliet, and Let The Right One In. I've had some people question my choices of movies that I get rid of. "Why would you get rid of that one?", they ask. "It's such a great movie!" Unfortunately I've probably only watched that movie once in the past three years.
I'm sorry that I'm not sorry, but I'm really not even sorry for that. I have a life that is more than the movies I watch and the things I own.

On the topic of focus and attention, watch this video from College Humor that addresses the issue of distractions in the internet and how it is affecting our lives and our minds. It was easy for me to watch the whole thing after developing mindfulness through meditation for the past few months. But you should give it a try and watch the video until the end. I dare you.