Saturday 6 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Day 6

Okay, so here I am at Day 6 and I am getting rid of my first batch of DVDs. So, I know the original rules on The Minimalists' blog say I have to get rid of my items by midnight on that day, but I like to bend the rules a little (and sometimes break them). Maybe that stems from my creative and artistic personality. Anyways, I will be getting rid of these 6 movies tomorrow along with the other items I jettison for Day 7.

For the record, I definitely do not plan on getting rid of all my DVDs, as there are a few that I still enjoy watching and still have much to learn from. I am an independent filmmaker, so obviously films are a passion of mine. I totally see the reason in minimalism when it comes to owning a DVD collection though. I've only watched a few of these films once or twice, and for many of them that was years ago. Why keep a few movies on the shelf that I may watch one more time next year? Instead, I will only own a few personally important films (meaning films that I feel I can learn a lot about filmmaking or just personal favorites that I will watch again). In keeping true to minimalist practices, I will keep only the movies that truly add value to my life.