Friday 26 September 2014

The Minimalism Game - Days 25 & 26

I didn't post yesterday on Day 25 so I have combined this post to include both days. yesterday I got rid of 6 items and today I have gotten rid of 5. Both days were another batch of DVDs. I know, I know. I am getting a little redundant with the getting rid of my movie collection, but it's an easy bunch of stuff that I can ditch items for this challenge and I have a lot of them. A lot of them that can be let go of.

I don't have a lot of days left in the Minimalist Game and September is almost over. All I have to say at this point is that this has been a great experience and I think everyone should try it. What stuff do you have lying around that you never use? Stuff you have lying around "just in case"?