About Me


My name is Stefan.

I live in New Brunswick, Canada. I like literature, cinema, music, philosophy, and living a healthy life. I love learning. I love writing. I love film-making. I love acting. I love creating. I live each day at a time and attempt to discover the truth in every moment. The meaningfulness in everything. The wonderful beauty life affords us.

I started this blog as a way to explore new healthy habits I am introducing into my life. Healthy eating, exercise, spiritual exploration, philosophical inquiries. Things I have been finding increasingly interesting in my late twenties. Things that I find make life more wonderful. Keeping up with my blog forces me to write. It gets my thoughts in concrete form. It helps me understand my own mind, my own perspectives, my own ways of thinking.

Not everyone has to agree with what I post. I think minimalism is an awesome way to add value to our lives. I think Buddhist philosophy is incredibly stimulating for a mindful life. Some people will disagree. That's okay. It doesn't have to jive with everyone.

This is how I live my life. This is how I seek meaning in every moment.

My name is Stefan.