Tuesday 2 September 2014

No Junk Food - Day 2

It's getting hard, harder than I thought, but I have successfully declined junk food in the past few days. I went to lunch with family yesterday and at the checkout they offered us free fudge. I instantly grabbed a piece and was about to take a bite out of it, when I remembered my pact with myself. I offered the fudge to my mother instead and went without.

Later in the day, my sister and a friend were eating Mike & Ikes and they offered me a pack of them. I declined that as well. So far so good, but I have a feeling it's going to get a lot more difficult throughout the rest of this first week.

For the second day, I was a little low on groceries so my lunch I brought to work was...modest. Okay, all I had was cheese & crackers and two servings of canned pineapples. Not very filling. However, I am persevering until dinner at home and resisting the urge to buy a bag of chips at the canteen outside my office. I can't give in on only my second day! I guess I'll report back tomorrow...