Monday 3 November 2014

Halloween is Over

Now that Halloween is over I can look back on my eating habits. I decided to treat myself (or trick myself?) into buying a bunch of candy for the holiday. Halloween is my favorite holiday season so of course I had to celebrate one of the biggest traditions: sweets! I bought a bunch of orange and black jellybeans, Halloween kisses, mel-o-creme pumpkins, and sour witches. It was great, but after eating candy every day for a week, I could feel the toll it took on my body. 

As well as eating a bunch of candy, I volunteered at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre's Haunted Tours four nights of the past week. This left me tired every morning and I neglected my plans of going to the gym each day to catch up on sleep. On top of that, I went to a few Halloween parties and ate more candy and drank some alcohol (not too much though!).

So it looks like I have a lot to work on. Well it is November now; a brand new month! We have snow in Fredericton already and a lot of it too! Time for me to restart my healthy living plans. I plan on eating less junk food this month (but not planning on cutting it out completely like in September), and eating a healthier three meals each day. I also plan on getting more gym time, especially focusing on running (on the treadmill now due to snow and slush). So let's get to it! I already did the gym this morning so I am off to a good start. Let's keep it up!