Thursday 13 November 2014


Now that I am starting to say NO to a lot of projects, I have the freedom to really focus on what I want to do. I have a few personal projects right now that I have the time to really dedicate to. A while ago I talked a lot about minimalism and even did a month long experiment of getting rid of many material possessions. By having less stuff I can appreciate the things I have a lot more. The things I have that really matter to me and add value to my life. 

Having less projects to work on is also a form of minimalism. It doesn't have to be material things that I let go of. I can de-clutter my life of things to do as well. Sometimes we overwhelm our lives with too many activities because we always have to be doing something. We have to do more to appear successful and productive to our peers. We see what everyone else is doing and we want to do more, to have a leg up on the rest of the world. Instead, I need to focus on a few projects and really do a good job. With this new focus on important things in my life I can cultivate a passion for these things and really be in the moment and love what I do.