Wednesday 12 November 2014

Saying "NO"

The past few, actually the past few months....have been very stressful for me. I have a tendency to want to do too many things. I take on too many projects. I try to do way more than is humanly possible. What happens is I end up feeling stressed out and only doing each project half as well as I should be doing them. Not even half as well - that is giving myself too much credit. So now I have a plan.

I am saying NO to more projects than I will say YES to. I need to slow down and strip my schedule down to what I really want to do. With too much to do, it is hard to focus on being healthy and hard to focus on doing good work. I am always thinking about the next project or the next task that needs to be done, rather than focusing on the task I am actually doing right now. So until 2015, I am only focusing on a few personal projects, my relationships, my health, and my job. This is more than enough to focus on right now and I don't need more projects on the go. I recently tied up all my projects of the past few months and now it is time to say least for a while.