Tuesday 7 April 2015

Mindfulness: Mornings

A lot has been said of mindfulness in recent years as more and more people begin to realize its incredible benefits. Living presently in the moment with mindfulness or meditation sounds like it can be some New Age hippie movement that guys with long braided hair and barefooted girls with flower necklaces would be into, but it actually is a great practice for anybody and everybody.  And it doesn't have to be some radical lifestyle change. Mindfulness can easily fit into anybody's schedule, no matter how busy we are.

Daily mindfulness practice can be incredibly simple and does not need to take up much time. One of the easiest methods of practice is this:

Sit in the morning.

After you wake up, don't bother rushing around tending to things that need to get done. All of those can wait. Instead, simply sit. Place a cushion on the floor, or a blanket, or even sit in a chair. But just sit. Maybe as you brew your morning coffee, just sit and wait. You don't have to do anything.

Spending some time each morning and just sitting with ourselves can bring a lot of attention to how we feel. Just sit for five minutes, that's all it takes. Anybody can allow five minutes a day to sit and be present with their-self. Try focusing on your breathing. Pay attention to the breath going in and out. Don't force yourself to breathe a certain way. Just be aware of the pattern of in and out respiration. We don't need to be meditation gurus to do this. Breathing is the simplest action we do.

This is mindfulness at its very essence. Just be there, sitting, not forcing anything, not resisting.

Just sit.