Sunday 7 December 2014

One Month With No Facebook

It has officially been one month since I deactivated my Facebook account.

It feels like it was yesterday that I was on it. It feels like I haven't been on Facebook in years.

It feels great.

I don't miss it. People can still get in touch with me. I still have email. I still have Twitter. It's funny because when I started this blog I shared all my posts on Facebook and at that time I had a lot more views. A lot more people read my blog via Facebook. I don't have as many views anymore, but that wasn't really the reason why I started writing this anyways. Writing this blog was more of a place for myself. A way to write my thoughts out. A way to quantify and record my journey into a healthier life, a more mindful life. A more meaningful life. 

Life without Facebook has left me with a lot more focus. I don't find myself constantly wanting to check my news feed to see what my friends posted. I don't waste my time with that anymore. I check my emails on the internet and that's it. I only use Twitter to post things occasionally but I don't scroll through the news feed very much. I use the internet much more intentionally now. I do everything much more intentionally now. I don't always. I'm not perfect. Just last night I ended up staying up later than I wanted to listening to music on my phone. I planned on listening to one song but I listened to five or six instead. I lost sleep because of that. But that's okay. I'll make up for it.

When I first decided to get rid of my Facebook, it was only going to be for a month, as an experiment, to see how it felt. Now that the month is up I don't think I'll be reactivating. I think I'll keep it off for a while longer. I'm enjoying my freedom from it. I have so much more interesting things to take up my time now.