Friday 29 August 2014

Giving Up Junk Food

Last night I did something awful...

I ate way too many Doritos.

Eating Doritos, or any other chips, or any other junk food (cake, candy, cinnamon buns), isn't inherently a bad thing. I have nothing against enjoying a snack. I really love chips actually. You could ay, I have a weakness for salty snacks (particularly Doritos).
However, the past few months I have delved into the world of healthy eating. I have cut down on my salty snacks intake and (almost) abandoned eating out at restaurants and especially fast food places. I eat salads every day and have drastically increased my vegetable and fruit intake. And you know? I feel like I am the healthiest I have ever been (of course regular exercise has played a part in this).
So, I recently came up with a new challenge for myself. I am going to give up junk food for a month, starting on Sept. 1, 2014. That is my official start date for my junk fasting, but I will be eating fairly well up until then. My awful feeling after consuming that bunch of Doritos last night has definitely been a good motivator. Junk food just doesn't make me feel good anymore. And for people who say they couldn't give up their candy and their snacks, that they have a right to enjoy life: I am enjoying life just fine without those things.
I will start writing updates on my no junk food quest starting on Sept 1. No fast food, no chips, no chocolate or candy or soda. I might have to come up with a set of guidelines and rules for myself and I'll most likely post that on my first post.
Now I am going to enjoy my morning snack of crackers and hummus :)