Monday 15 June 2015


Discipline is often associated with military drills and authority figures forcing people to do nasty things that no one really wants to do. But it takes discipline to develop better habits for ourselves. It takes discipline to be healthy, happy, and content.

I've been slipping in a few areas in my life when it comes to discipline.

I meant to get more sleep, and I was good for the first week, but soon after I started staying up late again. I didn't follow my own advice and go to bed at a time that would give me more hours. Finding discipline to develop a better sleep habit would lead me to be less irritable and have more energy.

I've slacked off on exercise. Due to staying up late, I have slept in longer, denying me time to put in a solid exercise routine. Exercise becomes a habit when I am used to the routine of doing it every morning, but it takes discipline to get to that point. I have to actually do it.

I haven't meditated as often lately either. I used to do at least 15 minutes every day, but now it's every once in a while. I had disciplined myself into a regular routine of meditation, but by not doing it, I develop a habit of not giving myself that time to be still and find peace within myself.

I haven't blogged in a while. I was in the habit of doing 3 posts a week for while, but now I have slacked off a lot. Finding the discipline to write every day on here, will motivate me to write other things I want to write: in my journal, poetry, and fiction stories.

I have other good habits built by discipline though. I eat fruits and vegetables every day. I am so used to eating a healthy vegetable-based lunch that I don't even think about eating other less healthy stuff at work. I am also more mindful of what I say and how I react to other people. I don't get angry so easily as I have developed the discipline of checking in with myself on my thoughts and feelings and if my response is appropriate.

So how can I build discipline and regain my healthy habits of sleeping well, exercising, and meditation?

I can re-think my priorities.
I can limit the things I need to do.
I can do one thing at a time and be present while doing it.
I can take small steps in each goal.
I can be content with where I am right now.