Friday 28 August 2015

Last Day

Today is my last day at the internship program. I've been here for two years. It feels weird to think this is my last day. For a while, it felt like every day was exactly the same and it's hard to shake that feeling today. It doesn't feel any different to me. But it is. I have to say goodbye to the people I've worked with, to the atmosphere, the environment, to my favorite reading space at lunch.

However, change is good. Everything changes eventually. Impermanence is the only true reality. I've gone through big changes before. This is just another stage in life beginning; a transition. It is healthy for me to accept the transience of life. To move on; to let go; to embrace something new. 

My time spent here has undoubtedly lead me to experience the biggest changes in my life: I discovered mindfulness, minimalism, and philosophy (Eastern and Western). I changed a lot of habits to lead a healthier lifestyle. I started writing a lot more. I created some of the artwork that has fulfilled me the most. I leave this stage of life with a sadness, many bittersweet memories, but with the progress I have made, I will only move forward from here and experience the beauty that is life's journey.