Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Out In Nature

I live close to a park where I live. A big park. So lately, I have been making an effort to get outside and explore nature. I don't bring my phone. I don't listen to music. I just walk. Or I jog. Or I ride a bicycle. But I tend to take my time. I enjoy the pleasant silence of the forest: the wind through the leaves of trees, the song of birds. I can still hear the traffic of the city, but it is distant; a far-off dream. I can leave civilization relatively behind.

Being outside, even in a park, is a re-connection to our place in the world. To unplug and be still is like recharging my spiritual batteries. It reminds me that I am a part of the Earth; just another life-form here in this perfect balance that supports and sustains everything we do.

Nature calms me. It brings me peace of mind. It reminds me to slow down and not take things too seriously. Out in nature everything is perfect and already here. I don't need to go looking for it.